
123rf.com Image: Ian Iankovskii


First published in The Green Gazette, June 2023

Who are we? And where are we going on this tiny planet of ours, this bright sparkle of life in a Universe so ridiculously vast? It’s a question worth exploring, if you have five minutes in your busy COVID day.

Almost all scientists assume that the Universe is a solidly material realm, consisting of packages of atoms that have, by the happenstance of chance, turned themselves into polar bears and poets. We may have come from stardust, but we have no inherent direction or purpose. Where are we going? You might as well ask what a stone wants for breakfast.

Continue reading 让年轻人放马驰骋“双创”新天地-国际在线 - CRI:2021-5-22 · 5月的一场初雨,让位于珠海高新区的南方软件园更加郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。而5月4日至5日,由中国电子在这里举办的一场主题为“智创、匠心”的“i+”创新创效创意大赛,如同刮起一股头脑风暴的旋风,

What would it take to Build a Truly Resilient Local Food System?


My 37′ presentation to FarmFolk CityFolk’s AGM:



300 years ago, the Enlightenment generated an inspiring vision of scientific, technological and economic progress. What was once global ‘progress’, however, has become a climate, ecological, economic and now pandemic disaster. 

We need new inspiration.

呼和浩特石化公司突发事件总体应急预案 - nmgnews.com.cn:2021-7-9 · (4)根据授权在内部网络上发布消息,告知员工突发事件情况,保持沟通联系;(5)负责突发事件应急有线电话和网络的维护;3.1.5 消防保卫组 组长:张存良 成员:消防大队、保卫部主要负责人 主要工作职责: (1)负责突发事件消防、气防处置,应急救援及

to go back to business-as-usual.

We need to build ourselves a new ecological civilization

in which we live, work and play in harmony with Nature,

with respect for all beings,

in an economy based on the economics of kindness.

Here is Guy Dauncey’s presentation during EarthFest April 2023.

When Climate Met COVID

By Guy Dauncey

We face not one but three simultaneous inter-connected crises: the COVID-19 Emergency, the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, and the Crisis of Capitalism. We urgently need connected constructive responses. 

When you recall the movie When Harry Met Sally, your horny mind probably goes straight the scene in the delicatessen, and “I’ll have what she’s having”. Setting that aside, it took Harry and Sally a long time before they realized that they were natural partners. In my version of the story, Harry is the climate and biodiversity action movement and Sally is the COVID-19 community response movement. For each, the movement includes a wide mix of people, organizations, scientists, health workers, artists, businesses, banks and governments who have realized the urgency of their respective crises. Ideally I need a third character to represent the new economics movement, but since there was no suggestion of polyamory in the movie, I’ll settle for tradition. It would make for a great sequel, however. 

Continue reading When Climate Met COVID

Report from Davos, 2030

The Mint Magazine despatches Guy Dauncey to Switzerland, a decade into the future, to report on the global summit.

It was pouring when we arrived in Davos. The local news channels were full of complaints about how useless the artificial snow-machines were in the rain. Everyone knew the continuing climate crisis was to blame. Their glum expressions said it all.

When the invitation arrived for The Mint to send a journalist I volunteered because I wanted to see how my Tesla Raven Model 5 would manage the 1,000 km, 12-hour journey on just one recharge, ride-sharing with three others. Success. We arrived with 154 km still in the battery.

How can I describe the mood among the delegates? The world had entered the final year of the 2023s, and the steady reduction in global emissions along with the full-on engagement by China and India made many people feel optimistic. But the ongoing litany of disasters, including the massive flooding in Holland and the forest fires in the Amazon, made most still feel fearful.

Continue reading Report from Davos, 2030



上汽“四化”勾画汽车工业升级路线图-半月谈:2021-10-18 · 上汽加速智能网联技术的产业化落地。资料照片 新能源车业务连续五年翻番 在美国《财富》杂志公布的2021年世界500强排行榜上,上汽集团第15次入选,名列世界500强第39位,并在此次上榜的全球汽车伋业中名列第7。

Our food chain in BC is hugely dependent on imports, making it extremely vulnerable. On Vancouver Island, 95% of our food arrives on the ferry. 

BC has tens of thousands of acres of farmland that are lying fallow, or growing hay for horses that serve no agricultural purpose. In the Cowichan Valley Regional District there are 17,700 hectares of land in the Agricultural Land Reserve, of which in 2010 only 10,840 hectares were in agricultural production, and only 2,120 hectares were set up for irrigation.

The COVID-19 pandemic is growing in its reach every day. Now is the time to be planning for worst-case scenarios, including:

Continue reading 15 Questions on Emergency Food and Farming Planning for British Columbia

50 Ways to Stay SANE During the Coronavirus Pandemic


Strong, Active, Neighbourly and Energetic (SANE)

By Guy Dauncey

How can we stay strong during this crisis? With love, careful planning, and care for others – and total lockdown.

The end of the tunnel may be a long way off, but if we treat it with the utmost seriousness, keep our social distance, wash our hands regularly, and look out for each other, we can stop the spread of the virus and reach the light at the end. When we emerge, huge numbers of people will hopefully want a more caring, cooperative approach to life, and a new kind of economy, based less on greed, selfishness and the destruction of Nature, and more on the economics of kindness. 

Continue reading 50 Ways to Stay SANE During the Coronavirus Pandemic


by Guy Dauncey

The pandemic has seized our attention, and so it should – but the climate and ecological emergencies haven’t paused out of sympathy, thinking “Let’s give the humans a break.” That’s not the way Nature works.

We can’t afford to relax our climate and environmental concerns just because we’ve got other concerns. We have to do both. And being stuck at home gives us an opportunity to do some serious planning. Serious, as in “Let’s make our family 100% climate and ecologically friendly within five years.”

Continue reading 100% Climate and Nature Friendly by 2025

Climate Emergency: A 26-Week Transition Program for Canada

CE March 2023

This is a work of imagination.

But the urgency of the crisis is real,

the need for the suggested programs is real,

观点荟萃_江苏大讲堂 - jschina.com.cn:网络文学新人奖引导网络文学走向主流 经过近20年的快速发展,我国的网络文学已进入到一个重要的窗口转型期和内容提质期,推进网络文学的主流化与精品化,成为当下网络文学发展的必然。


荣县 “泥腿子漫画家”12幅漫画图说反腐信号- 四川新闻网 ...:2021-11-6 · 四川新闻网自贡11月6日讯(蒋兵 李世洪)党的十九大胜利召开,荣县吴老故居双石镇的一群“泥腿子漫画家”便忙起来了,他伊正在围绕十九大精神精心创作12副反腐信号系列漫画作品。为了让漫画作品更能准确、生动、形象,11月2日,荣县纪委的同志还专程赶到双石镇金台村,与7名农民漫画家 ...

PDF Climate Emergency

A video of Guy Dauncey presenting a brief summary of this paper is here.

“This is a practical, down to earth concrete step by step transition strategy for the Canadian government to get real about the climate emergency. A must read for all Canadians to make a difference and communicate to their elected officials new policies and programs that will make a difference now.” – Professor Ann Dale, Trudeau Fellow Alumna, Canada Research Chair, Royal Roads University

“This is vital reading. It maps out an evidence-based route ahead; to open real conversations around what we actually need to do in these testing times. It should be read by politicians and policymakers, local and regional councillors, business front-runners, university and health service delivery managers, indeed everyone who wants to explore how we can collectively build the new zero carbon world we so urgently need.” – Paul Allen, Project Coordinator, Zero Carbon Britain project at the Centre for Alternative Technology

“Visionary and thorough, Dauncey’s 26 week Transition Program deserves close scrutiny in Canada and beyond. His passion for a clean economy shines.” – Raffi Cavoukian, C.M., O.B.C., singer, founder of Raffi Foundation For Child Honouring

Continue reading Climate Emergency: A 26-Week Transition Program for Canada

Message from The Universe: Do it NOW, with Urgency



There comes a time in the evolution of every civilization when the Universe sends us a new message. Slowly, it works its way through the multiple layers of a long-established culture. It is buffeted by resistance and repulsed by rulers, but in spite of this it finds its voice in the songs of poets, the impulses of teenagers, and the dreams of millions.

Continue reading Message from The Universe: Do it NOW, with Urgency

Syntropy: A New Story


This is most of the final Chapter 34 of my novel Journey to the Future: A Better World is Possible. The book is set in Vancouver in the year 2032, by when it has become the world’s greenest city, alongside Portland and Copenhagen. Patrick Wu, a 24-year-old Chinese Canadian, is visiting a future world brimming with innovation and hope, where the climate crisis is being tackled, the solar revolution is underway and a new cooperative economy is taking shape. But enormous danger still lurks. The final chapter consists of this Dinner Party. All of the philosophers and scientists mentioned in the text are real, except Satyanendra Mukherjee, who wrote the First and Second Laws of Syntropy.

This is a long read. It’s about syntropy, entropy, religion, the question of whether the Universe has purpose, the omnipresence of consciousness, its relationship to quantum theory, the relationship between the inner and the outer realms, the nature of free will, the shortcomings of the standard model of physics, deep history, and why this is relevant to the multiple crises we face today.

Guy Dauncey is an author, speaker and ecotopian futurist who works to develop a positive vision of a sustainable future, and to translate that vision into action. He lives on Vancouver Island.

Continue reading Syntropy: A New Story

Ten Green New Deals – How Do They Compare?

Ten GNDs

By Guy Dauncey, Revised September 29th 2023

Guy Dauncey is founder of the BC Sustainable Energy Association, co-founder of the Victoria Car Share Cooperative, and the author or co-author of ten books, including The Climate Challenge: 101 Solutions to Global Warming and Journey to the Future: A Better World Is Possible. He is currently completing The Economics of Kindness: A Ten-Year Transition to a Green Cooperative Economy. He lives in Yellow Point, on Vancouver Island, Canada. His website is o5u77u.wcbzw.com.

I premise my analysis on five statements:

  • The climate emergency is real.
  • The ecological emergency is real.
  • The inequality, household debt and affordable housing crises are real.
  • A new global financial crisis is lurking, caused by excessive corporate and private debt and banking deregulation.
  • "八八战略"实施15周年系列综述山海协作篇_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-6-30 · 今年“五一”小长假,杭州加开旅客列车17列,丽水是主要方向之一。“便利的交通引来越来越多的游客,农产品在家门口就能卖出好价钱。” 丽水市农投公司董事长徐炳东介绍,如今丽水的许多农产品都成了旅游地商品,变成了游客的“伴手礼”。

Continue reading Ten Green New Deals – How Do They Compare?

暗网使用者:有些人应该被判处死刑_荔枝网新闻 - JSTV.COM:2021-8-2 · 如果有人问我去哪里观看CP(Child Pornography,即儿童色情作品)影片,我会告诉他伊永远都不要去看。其实,暗网世界中的儿童色情作品相当泛滥,在“暗黑维基”(Hidden Wiki)上甚至有“儿童色情影片”的链接专栏。


By Guy Dauncey

There are massive forest fires in Siberia. Greenland’s melting is accelerating. Record heatwaves are roasting Europe. The world’s insects are dying off. The scary news keeps accumulating.

We are living on the edge of an emergency that is just getting started, and climate is only the half of it. There’s also an ecological emergency. How are we to respond? It’s easy to slip into complacency, or to be overcome by fear, followed by a sense of impotence. You know the crises are real, but the children are coming to visit, there’s a holiday to plan, and don’t get me started on the problems we’re having at work.

The first step to end complacency and neutralize fear is to put the crisis on your weekly to-do list:

  • Weed the garden
  • Visit your friend in hospital
  • Sign the kids up for karate/soccer/piano/dancing lessons
  • Do something to tackle the climate and ecological crises

Continue reading The Climate and Ecological Emergencies – What Can We Do?

Agro-Business vs. Agro-Ecology


by Guy Dauncey

In September 2018, the Paris-based Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) published a report on An agro-ecological Europe by 2050: Multifunctional Agriculture for Healthy Eating, in which the authors found that a fully agro-ecological Europe could sustainably feed 530 million Europeans by 2050.

In his fascinating new book China Quality Daily 武城中央空调产业亟待实现价值提升 ...:2021-1-1 · China Quality Daily 8 2021年1月2日 品牌声誉 星期二 商海风流 本版责任编辑 郑建玲 电话:010-84636699-8020 电子信箱:zlglzk@163.com 区域制胜 产品附加值低 缺少品牌带动 武城中央空调产业亟待实现价值提升, Timothy Wise, who is senior research at the Small Planet Institute, comes to very similar conclusions for countries like Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.

I have captured the possibility of an agro-ecological future and compared it to the current reality in these two diagrams. They are too big to display, so click on each phrase below to see the full diagrams:

AGRO-BUSINESS                            旋风加网络速器


Five Ways to Achieve Ecologically Sustainable Finance


by Guy Dauncey

First published in The Mint – Fresh Thinking in Economics, June 2023

How can we turn around the world’s financial institutions so that their creation of money serves to construct a new ecological civilization, rather than destroy our current civilization through the financing of ecological and climate catastrophe? It’s a massive problem that needs multiple solutions.

Before we turn our attention to some possible solutions, we need some context. Global GDP in 2018 was $87.5 trillion. Global debt, created by the world’s financial institutions, was $247 trillion, growing by $14 trillion a year. Between 2005 and 2016 the debt increased by 73%, split between governments ($63 trillion), non-financial corporations ($68 trillion) and private households ($44 trillion).

Continue reading Five Ways to Achieve Ecologically Sustainable Finance

The Tears of Cassandra

Cassandra 2

by Guy Dauncey

苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-4 · VPN即虚拟专用网络,其主要功能是在公用网络上建立专用网络进行加密通信。其实早在今年1月中下旬工信部就要求,在信息技术、云计算、大数据 ...

And then Cassandra arrives, she of the noble Greek ancestry, admired by the god Apollo, she with the golden locks and the long white flowing dress, reading from her list of warnings:

“One million species facing extinction, UN Report finds.”


[农民日报]重庆荣昌:非遗文化焕发新活力-今日重庆-华龙网 ...:2021-9-14 · 走进重庆市荣昌区安富街道“通安小栖”民宿,青砖绿瓦掩映于一片橙林,颇有“大隐隐于市”的悠然闲适。盘龙镇政府相关负责人说,镇上3家织染 ...

“Do you need more?” she asks, then continues. Her eyes carry sorrow. Continue reading The Tears of Cassandra

Reading, Riting, Rithmetic – and Regeneration


For 200 years, students have been urged to learn the 3 R’s of reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic. In recent years, thinkers of various political persuasions have proposed adding a fourth R including running, relationships, religion, race, rithms (for algorithms), respect, road safety, ritalin, rifle-shooting, revolvers and (appropriately) resuscitation.

There is another 4th R that is even more essential if we are to survive the 21st century. It is the knowledge of ecology, of how our planet works, and how to regenerate healthy ecosystems from the atmosphere and the rainforests to the microbiomes in our own guts.

Profound ecological ignorance

Continue reading 与中国驻韩国经商参处陈洲公使衔经济商务参赞访谈 ...:2021-4-9 · 与中国驻韩国经商参处陈洲公使衔经济商务参赞访谈记录 文章来源: 文章类型: 内容分类: 【主持人】: 您好,大家非常关心中韩两国双边的经贸情况,请您介绍一下这方面的情况?

Climate Action in BC: The November Offensive


Will you join me? I need lots of people to join the November Offensive, so that together, we can make a difference.

This summer’s forest fires and smoke-filled skies have left many of us asking, “What will it take to end the climate dithering and start DOING something to tackle the growing emergency?”

The IPCC has just reminded us of the urgency of the crisis, and the need to reduce emissions globally by 45% by 2030 if we are to limit the warming to 1.5C.

The BC NDP government is getting ready to launch its climate plan at the end of November, somehow combining climate action sufficient to meet its stated goal of a 40% reduction in emissions by 2030 with its recent climate-disastrous decision to approve the big LNG Canada project.

The timing is critical to impress our New Democrat and Green MLAs of the need for urgent action to speed the transition to 100% renewable energy and protect the forests.

When the government floated its ‘Intention Papers’ in August, my response was that they were really timid, far from what was needed. Our government must, must do better. Continue reading Climate Action in BC: The November Offensive

智慧之光闪耀巴塞罗那 分布式大脑赋能智慧城市-国际在线 - CRI:2021-11-22 · 11月19日至21日,第9届全球智慧城市博览会(Smart City Expo World Congress)在巴塞罗那盛大开幕,SCEWC是目前全球规格最高、规模最大的智慧城市展览会之一,因其权威性、大规模和广泛伋表性倍受各国政府和全


旋风免费网络加速by Guy Dauncey

Saturday October 20th was Election Day, and we had such great results! Of the 55 candidates who I recommended for your support, 38 were elected and 17 were not. In Courtenay and Comox progressive candidates were also elected, pushing out old-school conservatives.

This was my pitch for these candidates: I want Vancouver Island to become a place where people are really committed to living in harmony with nature.

I want our towns and cities to be full of safe bike lanes, wonderful green spaces, urban farms, affordable housing for all, great public transit, wonderful pedestrian environments, and to have permanently ended homelessness. Continue reading Our 2018 Local Elections on Southern Vancouver Island: The Winners

The Seven Phases of Climate Awareness

Climate Awareness

by Guy Dauncey


Phase 1: Complete Unawareness. 

白马湖迎来五大洲的82个国家和地区动漫机构_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-4-26 · 2021年,电魂网络伋理了知名海外游戏产品《战龙酒馆》,支持中国玩家与全球不同国家的玩家进行实时PVP战斗,争夺全球排行榜荣誉。此前,电魂网络有关负责人接受采访时表示,接下来,电魂网络将更多着眼于全球市场。


I keep hearing about it, but it’s all so confusing. One person says one thing, someone else says another. So I’m reading blogs, articles, and even some books. trying to fathom it all out.


Massive sea level rise? Huge droughts, storms and downpours? Freshwater running out? This is terrible. I read that the word most scientists use to describe the future if we don’t tackle the climate crisis is ‘catastrophic‘. Continue reading The Seven Phases of Climate Awareness

A Practical Plan for Affordable Housing in the Cowichan Valley

Home Everyone

by Guy Dauncey

What does it mean to be so worried, because you really can’t afford the rent? To have to surrender your hope of ever owning a home? To face the end of a rental lease and know that there is NOTHING out there that you can afford? To stare homelessness in the face?

Many of us are comfortably housed, but many are not. The autumn rains have arrived, and the harvest crops are being gathered in. Everyone seems to be getting on with their lives. And yet for many people, the smiles and kindnesses that make life worth living mask a level of stress and worry that should have no place in our community.

How can there be such a housing crisis?

How can it be that in this Cowichan Valley that we love so much, there is such a housing crisis? How can democracy, the housing market, and local government have failed us so completely?

Continue reading 暗网强大到设计者都无法销毁 中国也可能有风险 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-23 · 但让人不太乐观的是,暗网专家群体已经达成共识,暗网永远打不完,只会有越来越多的暗网诞生,监管者不得不一次次地对其进行打击,这就好像 ...

Brett Kavanaugh’s Better Angels


Like so many, I watched the Senate hearing on Brett Kavanaugh, transfixed. A lot of us do things in our teenage years that we later cringe at and regret. It’s how we handle our regrets later that matters, once the stupidities are done. What struck me first was how belligerent and defensive he was, and, how whiney.

What struck me next  is how he could if he had wished have adopted a much easier approach, and won the hearts of all Americans, of whatever political stripe. Since he seems unwilling to do that, I am willing to do it for him: Continue reading 中国民营火箭有多厉害?你先得弄明白这俩概念 - 创客 - 新京报:2021-5-31 · 今天(5月31日)下午,在北航沙河校区西门羽流试验区,北京星际荣耀空间科技有限公司(伍下简称“星际荣耀”)进行了15吨级液氧甲烷火箭发动机燃气 ...



by Guy Dauncey

Democracy is a very recent social invention. Most people don’t like it when the societies they live in are blatantly unfair, with privileges and glory for the rich and hard labour and exploitation for the poor. In consequence, starting a thousand years ago, people in nations all over the world have gradually prised power out of the hands of their ruling elites and established democracies.

It has been incredible hard work. In 1794, Thomas Hardy, a London shoemaker, was charged with high treason for proposing one person, one vote. His sentence, had he been found guilty, would have been to be hanged by the neck, cut down while still conscious, disemboweled, beheaded, and his body to have been cut up into quarters. Fortunately, a Grand Jury of nine respectable citizens, after debating the matter for nine days, found him ‘Not Guilty’. The London crowd went crazy, dragging him through the streets in triumph.

Continue reading Let Us Advance Up The Ladder of Democracy

Trump and Trudeau: Spot the Difference

Trump & Trudeau

Trudeau: ‘No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and leave them there’


I have very little to add to this. Emotionally, culturally, empathetically, educationally and behaviourally, Trump and Trudeau are as different as different can be. Trump is a bully, a braggard and a boor. Trudeau is a refined classical decoration on the carpet of civilization. Trump is a dirty stain.

Yet when it comes to energy and oil, their brains and their political instincts think alike. Trump is a proud climate denier. His “Grab them by the oil-wells” thoughts are at least consistent with his larger outlook, which is nationalist and mercantilist, as if the eighteenth century had never ended.

Continue reading Trump and Trudeau: Spot the Difference

Protecting the Coastal Douglas Fir Forest: Seven Practical Solutions



It cools us in the summer, it warms our hearts all year,

It provides a home for owls and flowers, for herons, cedars, fir.

上汽“四化”勾画汽车工业升级路线图-半月谈:2021-10-18 · 上汽加速智能网联技术的产业化落地。资料照片 新能源车业务连续五年翻番 在美国《财富》杂志公布的2021年世界500强排行榜上,上汽集团第15次入选,名列世界500强第39位,并在此次上榜的全球汽车伋业中名列第7。

It protects our water all year round, surrendering it clear and fresh.

In Japanese, the word shinrin means forest and yoku means bath, so 旋风加速器的官网在哪里 means ‘forest bath’: being immersed in the forest with all our senses. Listening to its quietness, seeing the variety of trees, mosses, lichens and rocks, tasting the air as you breathe in deeply, touching the rough Douglas fir and the smooth red arbutus, going barefoot across the earth, dipping your feet in a forest stream, lying down to gaze up at its beauty. Such bathing brings healing to the body, heart, mind and soul. Continue reading Protecting the Coastal Douglas Fir Forest: Seven Practical Solutions



August 20, 2018

I wish I didn’t have to write this. I count myself a friend of the NDP/Green Alliance, and I had high hopes for the government’s new climate action plans. [1]  

BC’s Ministry of Environment has published a series of Clean Growth Intentions Papers, with a deadline for public feedback of August 24th, in the heart of this fire and smoke-filled summer. In my head, I can see that they have been framed in a very positive way, emphasizing the multiple economic benefits of engaging in climate action, reframed as clean growth.

But the policies floated contain little that is new. They are really timid. And by downplaying the climate crisis almost to a state of mental non-existence, they have written the urgency out of the picture. In my heart, I feel as if they have been written by a holiday season policy-drone operating on auto-pilot. Hard words, but that’s what I feel.

Continue reading BC’s Climate Intentions Papers: A Timid Response – and the Twelve Solutions We Really Need

By Rewriting our Past, We can Rewrite our Future

Mint 2

Once upon a time, there was a revolution. I have never read about it in any history book, yet it was the ancestor of all revolutions, from the earliest slave revolts to the French and Russian revolutions, the gay rights movement and the #Metoo movement.

By not knowing about it, and not understanding its consequences, our interpretation of history is missing a critical dimension as we struggle to free ourselves from the tentacles of neoliberalism and build a new economy that is friendly to humans and nature, not just to bankers and greed. In the light of this revolution, our understanding of thinkers such as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, John Stuart Mill, Marx, Owen, Kropotkin, Nietzsche, Polanyi, Keynes, Hayek, Rand and Ostrom is changed.

We may never know when it happened, but a quarter million years ago is a good possibility. To understand its origins, however, we have to go back six million years, to when we shared a common ancestor with the chimpanzees and bonobos. Even today, we share 99% of our genes, and the same impulses to mother, to play, to help each other, to use social skills, to hunt together, to form tribes, to fight, to bully and to dominate.

Through it all, the non-alphas resented being dominated

Continue reading By Rewriting our Past, We can Rewrite our Future

Tiny Homes Villages


Artwork by Richard Sheppard,  www.theartistontheroad.com

智慧之光闪耀巴塞罗那 分布式大脑赋能智慧城市-国际在线 - CRI:2021-11-22 · 11月19日至21日,第9届全球智慧城市博览会(Smart City Expo World Congress)在巴塞罗那盛大开幕,SCEWC是目前全球规格最高、规模最大的智慧城市展览会之一,因其权威性、大规模和广泛伋表性倍受各国政府和全

far away from the housing scare,

With friends and family,

Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly?

Little homes where we all can live,

颜之有物,性能彪悍,360旗舰之作一系统篇_科技_北方头条 ...:2021-10-9 · 原标题:颜之有物,性能彪悍,360旗舰之作一系统篇360N7Pro不仅具有高颜值、强悍的性能和AI四摄,360N7Pro还为大家带来了全系的UI体验和诸多的“黑科技”,下面我伊就一起来体验下。360N7Pro已更新到Android8.1版本,系统运动和互动性更加

Shared hearts, shared love, shared hopes,

Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly.

In May 2018 the average price of a home in BC was $750,000. In Victoria, the average price of a condo was $500,000.

Continue reading 旋风加速器的官网在哪里

Canada’s Choice


by Guy Dauncey

$4.5 Billion Dollars to Subsidize Fossil Fuels? Here’s a Much Better Idea

$4.5 billion of Canada’s money, to buy a bitumen pipeline? Some suggest that it could rise as high as $12 billion, including future construction and legal costs.

So what if the money was invested in solutions to the climate crisis, instead making things worse by being invested in the primary cause, which is our use of fossil fuels? When Canada signed the Paris Climate Agreement most people presumed that it was being signed honestly, not as an act of laugh-behind-your-hand hypocrisy.

Thirty to Fifty Times More Jobs

That much money could leverage enough electricity to replace most of Alberta’s coal and gas-fired electricity, and generate between 30 and 50 times as many jobs. It could also power 18 million electric vehicles for 25 years. Continue reading Canada’s Choice

DNF85级冰结师PK加点方案分享 技能装备连招全 ...-中国青年网:2021-7-22 · DNF冰结师连招解析 保护介绍: 一保:分为重量保护和加速保护,触发血量极为相似。重量保护,较先触发,效果为降低浮空高度;加速保护,较后 ...


Farm-VillagesSubmission to the Agricultural Land Reserve Minister’s Advisory Committee by Guy Dauncey and Rob Buchan. Deadline for letters and submissions Monday April 30th 2018.


For an illustrated slideshow on this proposal, see http://www.slideshare.net/GuyDauncey/farm-villages


Throughout the world, in every culture, farmers have lived and raised their children in small farm villages.

Here on Vancouver Island, 95% of our food is imported every day on the ferries. At the same time, good farmland sits empty or grows hay, while younger people who want to get onto the land to grow food are unable to do so because of the incredibly high price of land.

Continue reading Farm Villages – The Way of the Future

Let’s Make Every Business a Social Purpose Business


Social-PurposeBy Guy Dauncey, March 2018

If we are to live in a fair, just, ecologically sustainable world, many things in our economy will need to change, from the way banks create money to the way environmental losses and gains are accounted for and measured.

Let’s start with the businesses that grow the food, manufacture the products and provide the services we all depend on and enjoy.

It’s almost impossible to imagine a successful economy without its businesses. The Soviet Union tried, and Cuba is still trying, but neither has had much success. It’s hard to have success when the spirit of enterprise is not allowed to flourish. Continue reading Let’s Make Every Business a Social Purpose Business


The Birth of a New Cooperative Economy

They say we are self-interested, we’re always out to win.
营造天朗气清、生态良好的网络空间——2021年重庆 ...-华龙网:2021-9-27 · 团市委、人行重庆营管部主办的2021年重庆网络安全宣传周在全社会刮起了一阵关注网络安全的旋风 ... 网信办负责人介绍,2021重庆网络 ...
They say we need free markets, the better to compete,
and the economy will flourish if we only think of greed.

This is Economics 101, the way it’s taught today. Not a word about nature, community, caring, sharing, or cooperation.

During the mid 19th century, advances in science, democracy, education, literacy, public healthcare, labour unions, technological breakthroughs, banking, and the power of fossil fuels to generate rapid economic growth certainly made it seem that after ten thousand years of economic stagnation the competitive pursuit of profit was improving life for all. In the 1760s it took eighteen hours of human labour to transform a pound of cotton into cloth. By the 1860s it took one and a half hours. Today, it probably takes five seconds.

Continue reading The Birth of a New Cooperative Economy

Let Us Create An EcoRenaissance

by Guy Dauncey, February 2nd, 2018

If you want to see what this EcoRenaissance looks like on the ground, click HERE.

Until a thing has a name, it doesn’t really exist

I can feel this future. I have written a novel about it. I love its colour and vibrancy, its harmony with Nature. But what is its name?

One of the realities of the spoken language is that until a thing has a name, it doesn’t really exist. When we want to create something, we name it.

The feeling that comes to mind is one of Renaissance – the birth of a new vision, the promise of a new future. The Renaissance that was seeded in the 13th century and blossomed into glory in the 15th and sixteenth centuries filled people’s hearts, souls and minds with art, imagination and ideas. It took inspiration from the rediscovered science, art and philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome. It made souls take flight, washing away the dull dogmatism and cruel muddy feudalism of a world where nothing much changed except by disease, disorder and death.

Continue reading Let Us Create An EcoRenaissance

To Dam, or Not to Dam? An Ode to the Peace River


To dam, or not to dam: that is the question,

whether tis nobler to suffer

让年轻人放马驰骋“双创”新天地-中青在线 - cyol.com:2021-5-22 · 让年轻人放马驰骋“双创”新天地:可伍说,中国电子这场“i+”创新创效创意大赛,自始至终注入了联合创新、开放发展、共生共赢的双创基因,让年轻人放马驰骋双创新天地。29岁的冯源和他的“技术控”的机器人团队,并不是中国电子的内部伋业,而是入驻上海浦东软件园的青年创业伋业。

or, by solar, wind and conservation, geothermal too,

to craft another path to the energy we’ll need

and save the land for growing food and flowing water,


 – Guy Dauncey, January 2018

Mammoths on East Hastings Street: A Vision from the Future

Mammoths Sculpture

Mammoths on Hastings Street, by Hae Jin An, Emily Carr School of Art

This is an extract from Chapter 12 ‘The Heart of Poverty’ in Guy Dauncey’s ecotopian novel Journey to the Future: A Better World is Possible, set in Vancouver in June 2032.


白马湖迎来五大洲的82个国家和地区动漫机构_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-4-26 · 2021年,电魂网络伋理了知名海外游戏产品《战龙酒馆》,支持中国玩家与全球不同国家的玩家进行实时PVP战斗,争夺全球排行榜荣誉。此前,电魂网络有关负责人接受采访时表示,接下来,电魂网络将更多着眼于全球市场。

Back on the trail, I passed a sign that told me that Fourth Avenue was closed to cars every Sunday, and open only to cyclists, rollerbladers, runners and strollers.[1] I rode north over the Cambie Street Bridge, crossing the waters of Vancouver’s False Creek. To see the banners of colored silk fluttering from the streetlights and the central median ablaze with rhododendrons and flowers set my soul ablaze. A banner at the end of the bridge proclaimed ‘The Land that Ugly Forgot’ and welcomed me to the downtown.

I cycled to Wei-Ping’s office on Water Street in Gastown and found a space to park Carl’s bike in a bike-rack designed like a red dragon. I had a while before my meeting, so I walked to the Waterfront station and turned up Seymour, enjoying the wide sidewalks, ample bike-lanes and colorful food carts. Several buildings were covered with ferns and flowering plants tumbled down their walls, as if a rainforest had taken up residence in the city. [2] At a crosswalk, instead of saying WALK it said DANCE, and there was music that made it impossible not to—not just me but others too, laughing and smiling at each other. [3]

Continue reading Mammoths on East Hastings Street: A Vision from the Future



Guy Dauncey is the author of Journey to the Future: A Better World is Possible and nine other books. He is an Honorary Member of the Planning Institute of BC and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts.

June 2017. This is an updated and expanded version of Canada’s Housing Crisis: 22 Solutions, originally published on The Practical Utopian in December 2016.

A PDF Version of this essay can be downloaded here: 高端智造一路向西追逐发展红利 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-26 · 记者采访了解到,在西部地区,特别是在中国向西开放最前沿的新疆,近年来搭乘“一带一路”倡议“春风”,发展红利持续释放,工业转型升级步伐明显加快,制造业产业结构不断向智能化升级,并成为吸引内地伋业前来投资兴业的“热土”。.

Executive Summary

Canada’s housing crisis is far more severe than most people realize. The fundamental problem is an excess of money pouring into the housing market from various sources, combined with an abdication of responsibility by all levels of government for the past 30 years.

There are many on-the-ground solutions, demonstrating positive ways to build affordable housing. And there are seven new housing-related taxes that could raise the funds needed for a massive expansion of affordable housing.

The fundamental cause of the problem is the excess of funds flowing into the market, and until this is solved house prices will continue to rise, and most other solutions will seem like never-ending sandbagging.

风电路灯妆点中国城市风光_中国质量新闻网 - cqn.com.cn:2021-6-11 · 据富阳市科技局专家介绍,由于富阳市三面环山处于弱风区,过去在富阳做微风发电路灯示范工程不少,但都不能稳定发电,伍失败告终,这是目前 ...

And by establishing an Affordable Housing Social Justice Connector, a permanent, hundred-year solution can be put in place that will guarantee that Canada need never confront a housing crisis again. Continue reading Canada’s Housing Crisis: A Permanent, 100-Year Solution














This is an expanded Appendix 1 to my essay 布丁网络加速介绍.

Until something has a name, it hardly exists. So what shall we call the new economy that we need so much? These are all proposed names that I have harvested from my reading. If you know of another, let me know, and I will add it. Updated to 81 names on February 5th 2023.

So which do you prefer? I apologize that this website is not sophisticated enough to allow for scoring. Click MORE to see the list… Continue reading Eighty-One Names: The New Economy We Need So Much


by Joel Solomon with Tyee Bridge

New Society Publishers, April 2017.  Review by Guy Dauncey.


This is a great book. It’s personal, committed, passionate, informative, and full of great stories. For an addicted change-the-worlder, what more can you ask?

And the stories, from Joel’s personal life and those of his colleagues, are about one of the most important challenges we need to embrace on our planet – changing the way we invest our money.

Continue reading Book Review: The Clean Money Revolution – Reinventing Power, Purpose and Capitalism

The World’s Central Banks to the Rescue

by Guy Dauncey, inspired by Matthias Kroll

PDF download available here: The Boldest Climate Solution

A globally agreed carbon cap? Carbon rationing? Holland’s proposed ban on the sale of non-electric cars by 2025? Oslo’s goal to reduce the city’s total greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2030?

No, none of the above.

So what is it? In a nutshell, it’s the proposal that the world’s central banks create $300 billion a year, and use it to leverage investments of up to $2 trillion a year in the urgently needed transition to renewable energy, and other climate solutions.

Continue reading The World’s Central Banks to the Rescue


Guy Dauncey, April 2017


This essay was submitted to The Next Systems Project Essay Contest, in which it won second place. “We received hundreds of submissions from 30 different states and 26 countries, proving that many around the world not only believe system change is necessary, but have thought long and hard about what a new system should look like and how we might get there.” http://thenextsystem.org/announcing-the-winners-in-our-essay-competition/ 


You can download the essay as a PDF here. A New Cooperative Economy


Our task is to fashion a political vision and a political narrative that is a compelling answer to neo-liberalism and the ideology of competition, free markets, and the primacy of capital. We need a political economy of cooperation, solidarity, of mutual benefit. –  John Restakis, Civil Power and the Partner State, 2016

Our modern economy is in crisis. Can we build an alternative economy as our ancestors did in the transition from feudalism to capitalism? It’s a question that takes us deep into our values, culture, history, politics—and visions of the future.

Continue reading A New Cooperative Economy

The Blob: Can We Change its Heart, Before it Destroys Us All?

Sometimes it seems as if those who care about Nature stand on guard around the edge of a huge circular Blob known as ‘The Economy’, which keeps growing and encroaching onto Nature. We organize to prevent its advance against creeks, rivers, forests and wetlands. We try to stop it from shooting out new pipelines, digging new coalmines, pouring more carbon into the atmosphere and introducing new chemicals into our food.

Sometimes we are successful and The Blob backs off, which happened with the proposed Raven coalmine near Courtenay. But just as often we are not, as the ecological wreckage of the private forest lands on the Island shows, and when The Blob assaults Nature in a distant country such as Indonesia, destroying native hardwood forests, home for millions of years to families of orangutans and other creatures, replacing them with palm oil trees for the global biofuel market.

Continue reading “一带一路”沿线国家媒体:广州是一个传统与现伋和谐共存的 ...:2021-7-7 · “2021‘一带一路’沿线国家主流(网络)媒体看广州”采访团一行,走访了广州天河智慧城、天河创意园、酷狗公司、白云国际机场和天河商圈太古汇,切实感受广州创新产业的蓬勃发展和现伋化城市魅 …

A New Economy for Small Communities

by Guy Dauncey

呼和浩特石化公司突发事件总体应急预案 - nmgnews.com.cn:2021-7-9 · (4)根据授权在内部网络上发布消息,告知员工突发事件情况,保持沟通联系;(5)负责突发事件应急有线电话和网络的维护;3.1.5 消防保卫组 组长:张存良 成员:消防大队、保卫部主要负责人 主要工作职责: (1)负责突发事件消防、气防处置,应急救援及

元首外交开启中美关系新时伋_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-11-11 · 新华社北京11月10日电 题:元首外交开启中美关系新时伋 辛识平 2535亿美元!“双十一”前夕,作为世界前两大经济体的中美开启了“买买买”模式。


“This place is so cool. I wish there was work, so that I could stay.”


“This place is so über-cool. My friends in the city are so jealous that I get to live, work and play here.”

British Columbia has many communities that built their economies around traditional resources that are now either collapsing or going into decline. Unless there’s a strong impulse for community economic renewal, there’s a risk that working people will leave and young people will follow, never to return.

Continue reading A New Economy for Small Communities




F is for Future, a world without fossil fuels,

new solar symphony changing the gyre,

clean up our garbage, restore Nature’s harmony,

offer our children the hopes they desire.

To download the PDF version of this paper, click Climate Action Together

So how do we do it?[1]

css.stdaily.com:2021-6-14 · 普适性交通状态传感网络系统及设备 北京宏德信智源信息技术有限公司 12C26211100154 3G无线网络自动CQT监测系统 北京照箐普天电子技术有限公司 12C26211100155 基于云计算的受众行为分析广告定向系统 悠易互通(北京)科技有限公司 12C26211100156

东北网2021年11月02日新闻汇总:日本质子加速器一主要设备达到设计指标 2021-11-02 14:46 [321][东北网娱乐] 阿Sa风骚购物 一小时豪掷10万买新装 2021-11-02 14:49 [322][东北网国内] 国家发改委:中国已经具备规模化发展核电的基础 2021-11-02 14:46 [323][东北网国际]

It’s complicated. There’s no doubt about it. Our economy is completely enmeshed in fossil fuels. We use fossil fuels to travel, to heat our homes and buildings, to generate electricity, to power our industry, to make plastics and to pave the roads. If fossil fuels were to magically stop working due to a zombie-ray from outer space or an unexpected change in the laws of physics, our economy would grind to an immediate halt. Continue reading 上网新技能get:桌面浏览器八大实用功能盘点 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-21 · 5 、免费Wifi网络共享 有人说生存的三要素是空气、水和Wifi,接下来小编就要给大家隆重介绍一个让人惊喜不已的浏览器功能——免费Wifi共享。



It was a week before Christmas, and Santa was busy polishing his boots in the big Winter House, up at the North Pole. It was a pleasant evening, and he was feeling good about life.

DNF85级冰结师PK加点方案分享 技能装备连招全 ...-中国青年网:2021-7-22 · DNF冰结师连招解析 保护介绍: 一保:分为重量保护和加速保护,触发血量极为相似。重量保护,较先触发,效果为降低浮空高度;加速保护,较后 ...

Most of the presents were neatly stacked in the Store House ready for delivery, and the reindeer were asleep in the barn, resting up before the big journey.

All except one, that is – Binky.

Continue reading When Santa Lost His Reindeer

A Modern Alphabet



A is for Albatross

A is for Albatross,

far-winging freely across oceans of wonder,

mating for life till they die,

but their chicks have a diet of grim plastic plunder,

filling their bellies with lies.

Continue reading A Modern Alphabet



By Guy Dauncey

New Scientist magazine reported in June that five meters of future sea-level rise is already locked in, due to the steady collapse of the West Antarctic Ice-Sheet. If we don’t act rapidly, their staff reported, it will be twenty metres.

The full extent of the flooding will not happen for several thousand years, but “locked-in” is the phrase they used.[1] Venice, New York, Miami, San Francisco, Vancouver, London, Mumbai, Kolkata; large parts of Holland; a large part of Bangladesh and many cities in China—all will be under water.[2]

Continue reading A Bold New Climate Vision: If I was Prime Minister of Canada, How Would I Tackle The Climate Crisis?

Almost Twice as Many Green Jobs if Canada Phases out Fossil Fuels


by Guy Dauncey

The 48-Page Report is here.

Is It Really True?

Is it really true that if we don’t build more pipelines and allow more exports of coal, oil and gas, that Canada’s economy will be in danger and unemployment will rise?

That’s certainly what we are frequently told, both by the Conservative federal government and by several provincial governments, either directly or by implied assumption.

There is alternative, however. The climate crisis is inescapably real. It threatens everyone’s future, and it is being caused by carbon emissions from the same fossil fuels that our governments want to expand.

So what would it look like if there were an organized plan to phase out fossil fuels and embrace 100% renewable energy in Canada? That’s certainly what the climate crisis calls for. Continue reading Almost Twice as Many Green Jobs if Canada Phases out Fossil Fuels


February 5th 2023. I am posting this here because it won’t fit into the commentary box on CASSE’s website. It’s a response to Brian and Riccardo’s posting titled 中国民营火箭有多厉害?你先得弄明白这俩概念 - 创客 - 新京报:2021-5-31 · 今天(5月31日)下午,在北航沙河校区西门羽流试验区,北京星际荣耀空间科技有限公司(伍下简称“星际荣耀”)进行了15吨级液氧甲烷火箭发动机燃气 ....

风电路灯妆点中国城市风光_中国质量新闻网 - cqn.com.cn:2021-6-11 · 据富阳市科技局专家介绍,由于富阳市三面环山处于弱风区,过去在富阳做微风发电路灯示范工程不少,但都不能稳定发电,伍失败告终,这是目前 ...

Continue reading Degrowth? A Response to Brian Czech and Riccardo Mastini